Montag, 24. Dezember 2012

Scythe II


So today I got a Wacom Intous 5 small for christmas of which I'm really excited about :3 I started to block the main colors of the yesterday started drawing in. So that's how far I got after an additionally hour. Still a long long way to go :)

... (pencil + photoshop cs6; refs see last post)

Sonntag, 23. Dezember 2012



One day before christmas and I decided to enter a contest :) Task is, to interpret a given character and illustrate her. I really like how the sketch of her turned out, but I'm still unsure about the background.

... (used ref for pose; character & costume design were given; graphite pencil in sketchbook)

And the warm Up I did this day...

30 min gesture drawing class (graphite pencil 6B)

30 min gesture drawing class (graphite pencil 6B)

Samstag, 22. Dezember 2012



Scribbling around in my sketchbook :)

from imagination (graphite pencil 6B)

from reference (colored pencil)

doodles (pencil)

doodles (pencil)

doodles (pencil)

Sonntag, 16. Dezember 2012

Little mermaid - color choice


Hello everyone, two weeks ago I uploaded a sketch for a piece I want to do, so here you can see the initial colors I want to go with. Next step: Correction of anatomy and detail work in the lineart!

little mermaid (from imagination; pencil sketch + photshop cs4)

Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2012



Ehm...lots of wrong anatomy I guess... like the small on in the top (second from the left)...

from imagination (pencil)

Dienstag, 4. Dezember 2012

Experimenting with the human figure


Experimenting with the human shape. Lots of fun to do :3

faces (from imagination; pencil + colored pencil)

human figure (pencil + colored pencil; from imagination)

Freitag, 30. November 2012

Dienstag, 27. November 2012


26 + 27.11.2012:

Wow, finally some whole faces, not only half of it^^ I broke the neck of the lady in the middle...but that's how you learn, right? :D

from imagination (pencil + colored pencil)

Sonntag, 25. November 2012



Concept for my own interpretation of the "Little Mermaid" i wanna do!

from imagination (pencil + colored pencil)

Dienstag, 20. November 2012

Anatomy training


Still trying to get facial features and human anatomy right from imagination...

from imagination (pencil)

Freitag, 16. November 2012



Hmm, seems I'm still to scared to draw a whole face xD

from imagination (pencil)

Donnerstag, 15. November 2012

Donnerstag, 8. November 2012

Doodle time


Didn't find the energy to paint this evening, so here only some doodles from work...

doodles (from imagination; pencil)



Took the time to draw some (half-)faces from imagination. Concentrated on using hatching to shape the face. There is lots of space for improvement...

faces (from imagination; pencil)

Dienstag, 6. November 2012

Start trying!


Today I found the courage to simply sit down and try to paint a face from imagination. There is not much looking right, but yeah, I'm still moving out of my comfort zone and it only can get better :)

So join me, and try something new and scary!

painting from imagination (photoshop cs5, no references used)

Montag, 5. November 2012

Color study*4


Still studying colors and trying to paint directly without an underlying lineart. =)

color study (from reference; photoshop cs5)

Donnerstag, 1. November 2012

Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2012

Couldn't concentrate...


This is one of these days I don't wanna show what I did, because it sucks. BUT I promised myself to upload every crappy sketch to keep myself motivated in the long run and maybe show others, that there always are good and bad days :3 So keep drawing guys!

50:50 from ref and imagination (pencil)

Montag, 29. Oktober 2012

Color studies


She is totally off, but the main target were colors so it's ok for me^^ Also without underlying lineart to train my painting skills.

color study from photo reference (photoshop cs5; 45min)

In this second one I traced the outline and then tried to pick the right colors again. Also trying to not get into details, but simply put colors on with the standard round brush :)

color study from photo reference (photoshop cs5; 30min; traced outlines to concentrate on colors)

Freitag, 26. Oktober 2012

Friday nights work


Finally I found some time to do a longer study. Primary focus on picking the right colors and secondary to try to get the shape down without an underlying lineart. So far so good. Afterwards I tried to apply this study to an imaginative piece and...well... it was my first try to do something like that. I'm glad that I found the courage to simple try it. But yeah, I have to do a lot more of them 'til they will look kind of good :)

color study (photoshop cs5; with photo reference)

applying the study (photoshop cs5; from imagination)

some doodles from work (pencil)

Samstag, 13. Oktober 2012

More heads


More heads from imagination, concentrating on hard shadows...

heads from imagination (pencil)

Mittwoch, 3. Oktober 2012

Leaving my comfort zone


Started a photo study, but then I wanted to draw, so nothing much here to see^^

photo study (unfinished, photoshop cs5)

I really have to learn  how to draw faces from imagination. So here I go...

heads from imagination (pencil)

Sonntag, 23. September 2012

Faces and an environment


Face studies...
right one is a study; rest are from imagination (pencil)

studies (pencil)

and a concept...

environment from imagination (pencil)

Donnerstag, 30. August 2012

I'm back!

Oh my gosh, I can't believe it's over three month since I posted here... but fortunately I have a good excuse :3 Since first of july I'm having an internship as a concept artist in a small company here in germany. So I'm drawing and painting eight hours a day. Bad thing is, I'm under NDA so I can't show you any of it. Not now at least. But after two month working there, I think I found my routine and I can go back to continue my studies without falling asleep after 5 minutes^^

PS: I did some sketches during the last month and when I finally found them I will put them to the right dates... I'm such a chaotic...


hard & soft shadows photo study (photoshop cs4; lines are traced; only concentrating on shadows)

brush control assignment (photoshop cs5; lines are traced; only concentrating on shadows)

Dienstag, 21. August 2012

Montag, 30. Juli 2012

Testing my anatomical knowledge

In a break at work I tried to draw a woman from imagination to see how much I still remember of my anatomy studies after one month without drawing humans^^

woman from imagination (0.5 mechanical pencil HB)

Freitag, 20. Juli 2012

perspective exercise

perspective exercise (pencil)

green pencil is from life; blue pencil from imagination (colored pencil)

from imagination (colored pencil)

my little critters & medieval kitchen (colored pencil)

Started my new sketchbook :3

from imagination (pencil)

doodles (colored pencil)

Freitag, 25. Mai 2012


Reworking Flare...


Sketches were done in 2009, colored them now.

flare concepts (photoshop cs4)

Trying to modify the main character....

reworking main character (pencil)

alternative lantern design (pencil)